Entries by cathal

Housing Update – November 30th

Every Wednesday, I will update you here on the social houses that are available via Clare County Council. As always, it is vital that you register with Clare County Council’s housing section for their Choice Based Letting site, where you are able to register your interest for a property. You can contact the housing section on (065) […]

Almost €770,000 in funding for Clare under Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors

Cliffs of Moher, the Burren and Ballycuggaran all to benefit Funding part of Ireland’s first National Outdoor Recreation Strategy   Fianna Fáil TD for Clare Cathal Crowe has welcomed the announcement of €768,204 in funding for Clare, under the Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors initiative. Minister Heather Humphreys has today launched the initiative, which is a five-year […]

Housing Update – November 23rd

Every Wednesday, I will update you here on the social houses that are available via Clare County Council. As always, it is vital that you register with Clare County Council’s housing section for their Choice Based Letting site, where you are able to register your interest for a property. You can contact the housing section on (065) […]

ESB and Shannon Airport to target development of hydrogen plant

Memorandum of Understanding signed by companies today Would make Shannon industry leader   Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Aviation and Tourism Cathal Crowe has welcomed the ground-breaking news that Shannon Airport and the ESB are targeting the development of a cutting-edge hydrogen plant at the airport. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Mary Considine […]

€301,325 in funding to help Clare community centres with rising bills

Part of €10m national fund Large number of community organisations can apply   Fianna Fáil TD for Clare Cathal Crowe has welcomed the announcement of more than €300,000 in funding to assist community organisations in Clare such as community centres and parish halls with the rising costs of energy bills. Minister Heather Humphreys has issued […]

Housing Update – November 16th

Every Wednesday, I will update you here on the social houses that are available via Clare County Council. As always, it is vital that you register with Clare County Council’s housing section for their Choice Based Letting site, where you are able to register your interest for a property. You can contact the housing section on (065) […]

Housing Update – November 9th

Every Wednesday, I will update you here on the social houses that are available via Clare County Council. As always, it is vital that you register with Clare County Council’s housing section for their Choice Based Letting site, where you are able to register your interest for a property. You can contact the housing section on (065) […]

Housing Update – November 2nd

Every Wednesday, I will update you here on the social houses that are available via Clare County Council. As always, it is vital that you register with Clare County Council’s housing section for their Choice Based Letting site, where you are able to register your interest for a property. You can contact the housing section on (065) […]

Commercial rates revaluation must be put on ice

Clare one of the local authorities earmarked for revaluation Deferral will help keep businesses afloat   Fianna Fáil TD for Clare Cathal Crowe is calling on the government to defer the planned revaluation of commercial rates in Clare, Donegal, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Galway, Kerry and Mayo in light of the cost-of-living crisis. The revaluation process is […]

€112,400 in funding for Clare Sports Partnership

Grants allocated under Dormant Accounts Funding Aims to promote inclusivity in sport   Fianna Fáil TD for Clare Cathal Crowe has welcomed the allocation of €112,400 in funding for Clare Sports Partnership, under Sport Ireland’s Dormant Accounts Funding. The fund is being issued under a number of headings, all of which aim to improve and […]